New Patient Information

Welcome to Hall Green Health.

We are please you have requested to receive your health care from us.

We thought it might help you to have some information on how we work, as there may be differences from what you have been used to from a previous surgery.

Our Team

We have a large number of GP’s and a Nursing & Healthcare Assistant Team, as well as Paramedics, Advanced Nurse Practitioners and Physician Associates. As well as specialists in Physiotherapy, Musculoskeletal problems, and Mental Health.

Our Services

  • Appointments – Telephone, video & face-to-face
  • Asthma Reviews & Monitoring
  • Cervical Screening Clinics
  • Childhood Immunisations
  • Chronic Disease Monitoring
  • Evening and Weekend Appointments
  • Male and Female Health Checks
  • Mental Health support
  • Minor Surgery & Joint Injections
  • Online Prescription Ordering
  • Sexual Health & Contraception (Pill, implant, coil, injection)
  • Social Prescribing Support

Expectations we have of our patients

1. Anyone registered with the practice will treat our staff with respect at all times.

We recognise that occasionally patients may behave out of character, but we will NOT accept:

  • Verbal or physical abuse (including racist, sexist or ableist comments or slurs)
  • Threats against individual staff or the surgery
  • Repeated episodes of shouting or screaming during interactions with HGH staff
  • Lengthy or repeated calls impacting on other patients accessing our service.

Where we have been informed of an incident, the individual will be contacted and requested to sign a behavioural agreement as a reminder of their responsibilities should they wish to remain as a registered patient with Hall Green Health.

2. Patients on regular medication will order this in plenty of time either through an online request or manually via their repeat prescription medication slip to ensure that the request can be processed by our team and sent to their nominated pharmacy before they will run out of medication.

We would normally expect the request to be submitted in the 2-week period prior to the current supply coming to an end and will aim to process the request within 2 working days.

3. Where reviews are necessary for long term conditions and safe prescribing, patients will assist us by attending for blood tests or reviews when requested to do so or provide any information requested by us relevant to providing safe care.

4. Individuals registered with Hall Green Health will be respectful of other patient’s needs.

  • Cancel an appointment in plenty of time if you are unable to attend so it is available to others in need.
  • Be thoughtful and respect other patients when in the building e.g. raised voices can cause other patients to become distressed.
  • Recognise that some individuals may be more unwell than others and require longer than their allotted appointment time resulting in the clinician’s surgery running later than intended.
  • Try to help the clinician assess and deal with your problem within the allotted 10-minute timeframe given for the appointment.

Accessing care at Hall Green Health

You can contact us for an appointment via the telephone (by calling 0121 7773500) or through the online form on our website.

If you choose to call us, you do not have to wait in a queue. If you select the ‘callback’ option, your place in the queue will be held by our phone system and you can hang up. When your place in the call queue reaches the head of the queue, our care navigator will call you back. This means you can carry on with your day as long as you have your phone with you and you answer when we call.

 All requests for appointments are assessed by a clinician. The clinician then decides how urgent the problem is and which member of the team it is appropriate for you to see.

The clinician will determine the urgency based upon the information provided by you. It is therefore important that the information is a true reflection of what you are experiencing. The clinician will also decide which member of our team is the most appropriate health professional for you to see. When we have no available appointments, we may give you advice on accessing support or care elsewhere, where appropriate, or offer treatment without the need for further direct assessment.

You may be given an appointment with a GP, a Nurse Practitioner, a Physician Associate, a Clinical Pharmacist, a Physiotherapist, a Mental Health Worker, a Nurse or a Health Care Assistant. Depending on the problem outlined by you, the patient, we may direct you to seek assessment or advice from a Community Pharmacist, your Dentist, the Minor Eye Condition Service, other community services or to attend A&E or contact NHS 111 rather than offering an appointment at the surgery.

Before contacting us, think about what you need to communicate so that you can give us a clear summary of the problem:

  • What is the problem you need advice for? Eg Cough/back pain/headache/pain on passing urine etc.
  • What is the concern? Eg pain not controlled/condition getting worse rather than better/side effects from treatment etc.
  • What were you hoping we might be able to do for you? Eg relieve pain, give antibiotics, examine to rule out …
  • What have you tried already? Eg advice from the pharmacist, medication available to buy over the counter, rest, etc.

Stick as much as possible to one problem unless you are concerned the symptoms are directly related.

The clinician’s decision will be given to you. If you disagree with the decision, then you need to give a reason why this is the case, and the clinician will review the decision based on the new/additional information. If you wish to be seen by a particular doctor, we will try to accommodate this where possible, but this may cause a delay in our ability to find a suitable appointment.


All appointments are booked at 10-minute intervals.

Cancel an appointment in plenty of time if you are unable to attend.

Attend on time for the booked appointment.

Ensure your phone is on and fully charged for telephone appointments. If you miss the call for whatever reason, we will try to call once more when we are able to.

You have 10 minutes of the clinician’s time, so it is helpful if you:

Stick to the one issue of concern the appointment has been booked for.

Make sure you tell the clinician about the issue (what is it, why are you concerned, etc) as clearly as you can.

If you have multiple issues of concern, mention this at the beginning of your consultation so that you and the clinician can decide which of the issues is the most important to be addressed at that appointment.

Recognise that you may need to book additional appointments for other issues, as other patients will be waiting to see or speak to the clinician.

Following your assessment, if you do not understand anything the clinician has advised, then ask the clinician to explain again before you leave.

Investigation Results, Referrals and Hospital Correspondence

This is work the clinician or your nominated GP completes outside of direct patient contact time i.e. at the end of the surgery. There is a limited amount of time in a working day to address this essential administrative work and it may not be possible for an individual clinician to deal with all tasks on the day they arise.

Referrals may take up to 1-2 weeks after the consultation before being sent off. The clinician needs to review your records and pull together all relevant information so that the hospital specialist has a clear picture of the problem and reason for the referral. The secretary then needs to create the letter and send it off to the correct hospital department.

We have a large number of clinicians working at Hall Green Health and our secretarial team receive a large number of referrals to process. Urgent referrals are prioritised.

Investigation results are usually viewed by the requesting clinician or your nominated GP within 5 working days of the result being available from the laboratory. If a follow up appointment to discuss an abnormal result is necessary, the clinician will request that our planned care team or receptionist organises an appointment. Achieving this contact, and appointment availability may mean that the appointment is some weeks after the result was received.

We do not usually communicate normal results as we do not have the time available to achieve this. If you register for online patient access, you will be able to view test results once these have been viewed by a clinician. Hospital correspondence generally takes longer to arrive at the surgery than clinicians at the hospital usually indicate. Our secretarial team can advise if correspondence following an outpatient appointment or hospital discharge has been received.

Feedback and Complaints

We are always happy to receive feedback from our patients to advise us when things are not working as well as we intended so that we can understand what has happened and take steps to improve the service we provide.

We also recognise that sometimes our patients may have a serious concern and wish to make a formal complaint for a detailed investigation of what has happened and to receive a formal written response following the investigation.

Communications of this type can be made via our website using the Feedback form or in cases where individuals do not have online access, our complaint/feedback paper form can be used. This can be obtained upon request at the main reception desk.

Prescription Frequently Asked Questions

How do I request a repeat medication?

If you have registered for online access, you can request your medication by ticking the required item on the medication screen.

If you have not registered for online access, you will need to tick what you want on your repeat prescription slip and bring the slip into the surgery.

If you do not have a repeat slip, then you will need to come to the surgery and a member of the team will print one off for you.

In exceptional circumstances, for example if you are completely housebound, have no online access and no family members to act on your behalf, we may authorise your specified community pharmacist to request on your behalf.

How quickly can I expect my prescription to be ready?

Hall Green Health will be able to sort out your repeat prescription request within 2 working days of the request provided that:

  • The medication is on your repeat list
  • The request is before the review date

If this is not the case then you should not expect your request to be dealt with within 2 working days.

This delay is to ensure safe prescribing of medicines for you.

What about medication not on the repeat list?

You may need to allow at least one week for medication to be available.

Why does it take longer to obtain medication not already on my repeat list?

(i) If you have never had it from this surgery before

  • The request will go to your doctor
  • Your doctor may not be available every working day
  • The doctor will review your records and decide whether they are happy to prescribe it or if they wish to see you
  • If the doctor wishes to see you, a receptionist will contact you and ask you to book an appointment

(ii) There is a hospital letter recommending that you have the medication

In most case the doctor will be happy to issue the prescription without you needing to be seen provided that the letter indicates the diagnosis and the reason why the drug is needed is clear in the letter.

There will be a delay if:

  • The letter has not yet arrived at the practice
  • The letter is unclear and the doctor needs to confirm the diagnosis or the reasons for the prescription with the specialist
  • The drugs we are being asked to prescribe require monitoring eg blood tests
  • The drugs we are being asked to prescribe are not usually prescribed by GPs and should be prescribed by the specialist
  • The drugs we are being asked to prescribe require a signed agreement between the GP and the specialist

(iii) Drugs you have had from HGH in the past but they are not currently on your repeat list

The doctor may be happy to issue the prescription without you needing to be seen. This is likely to be the case if you were recently started on the medication and the doctor wanted to make sure it was suiting you before moving it to your repeat list.

The doctor will consider the type of medication, the number of times you have had it in the past and when you were last seen in relation to that problem.

The doctor will make a judgement on whether it is safe to prescribe the requested drug for you.

The doctor may feel that you need a blood test or an assessment to ensure your safety. The doctor may issue the prescription but request that you attend for further tests or assessment. It is important for your safety that you follow the advice given.

The doctor may not be happy to prescribe the drug again without you being seen. In this case, you will be asked to book an appointment.

(iv) Specialist Drugs

These are drugs that you are being prescribed by the specialist.

We have added them to your repeat medication so that the list shows all the drugs you are receiving regularly – this is for safety to make sure everyone is aware that you are taking a drug not being prescribed by the practice.

We will not prescribe these drugs even though they may appear on your repeat list.

These drugs are listed under the ‘Hospital’ heading on your repeat list if you are viewing them online and will not appear on your repeat medication slip.

You should continue to request this medication from your specialist unless advised otherwise after an appointment at HGH.

What happens if my request is made after the review date?

The request will be passed to your doctor as a prescription query.

The doctor will review your records and decide if they are happy to issue the prescription or not.

Possible outcomes

(i) Prescription issued and review date altered

The doctor is happy that you have had all the necessary issues discussed or checked and it is safe for you to have a further prescription without being seen.

(ii) Prescription issued but review date not altered.

The doctor is happy to give you the prescription but needs to make sure that certain things are done before the next prescription request. The doctor may be waiting for a result or a hospital letter to come back. You may have a note on your repeat slip or be contacted by telephone or letter asking you to book a blood test or bring a urine sample or book for a review with a doctor, nurse or our clinical pharmacist. You must follow the request if you want the review date to be altered with your next prescription request.

(iii) Prescription not issued and review date not altered

This should only occur as a last resort.

For your safety, your doctor feels that you need to be seen before it is possible for a further prescription to be issued.

This is usually the case where advice for a review or a test to be done has not been followed.

Why have I not been given my usual quantity of medication?

Usually, we will only reduce the quantity of medication being issued if we have concerns regarding safe prescribing.

This is often a last resort after repeated failure to respond to requests to have appropriate monitoring or assessments.

Once you have had the necessary check as requested (communicated with your prescription via a message to you and/or your community pharmacist, or via a telephone call or letter from the surgery) then the quantity will be restored to the usual quantity if deemed appropriate following the review.

My hospital consultant has recommended medication – how do I get this on prescription?

All such requests are not urgent as if your specialist felt you needed to start the medication immediately, they would have prescribed it at the hospital from the hospital pharmacy or given you a hospital prescription to take to a community pharmacy.

If you have been given a hand written note to hand in then the medication will be issued after the doctor has ensured it is appropriate for us to prescribe the recommended medications
(See question 4)

If you have been started on medication by the specialist and advised to obtain further repeats of it from your GP, then you will need to request the medication from the surgery if you are happy to continue with it.
(Also see question 4)

Why has my medication request been rejected?

There are a number of reasons why a request may be rejected.

Repeated failure to respond to requests for a review

Item being requested too early – this can indicate over use of the prescribed medication or item

Item not requested for several months when should have been requested more regularly

Request is inappropriate eg antibiotics or medication documented as causing side effects in the past

Usually the doctor will have given a reason why the request has been rejected.

Can I request medication that is not currently on my repeat list?

You can make a request but it will take longer than 2 working days to process the request.

There is no guarantee that the medication will be issued – your safety is our priority.

For all items not on your repeat list, please give a reason for your request.
This reduces the risk of your request being rejected and possibly increases the chance that the doctor will be happy to issue the requested medication.

How will I know if I need a test or review to avoid a delay in getting my prescription?

Our clinical pharmacist or your doctor will indicate if you need anything.

Examples of messages with your repeat prescription are:

  • Please book a blood test with the HCA
  • Please see HCA for BP check
  • Please book with nurse for asthma review.
  • Please book medication review with clinical pharmacist

How can I book a medication review?

Your medication review date is a guide for your doctor to review your records – it does not mean that you must book a review.

If you need to book a review, your doctor will have sent a message with your repeat prescription.

If your review date is up, please check your repeat prescription slip (given to you by the community pharmacist when you collect your medication) or ask your community pharmacist if there was any message from the surgery with your prescription.

If you have received a message then please show this to the receptionist or if booking online, please indicate this in the slot booking notes.

If you have not been asked to book but would like to have a review then please book a telephone consultation with our clinical pharmacist(s). If you need to have a face to face appointment, our clinical pharmacist will arrange this after speaking to you and reviewing your medical record.

What do the numbers in brackets mean below the medication name and after the last issue date?

This represents the number of repeats your doctor feels is appropriate up until their next review

For example (2/6) means that 6 repeats of the medication have been authorised by your doctor and you have already used 2. Once you have used up all 6, you can still request the item but it will be passed as a query to the doctor and may therefore take longer than 2 working days to be available and you may receive a message requesting that you book a review.

Appointment Frequently Asked Questions

How do I book an appointment at Hall Green Health?

The easiest way to book an appointment is to fill out the online request form on our website. We aim to reply to all online requests within 1 working day, so the form should not be used for emergencies.

You can request an appointment by telephone however we receive a very high number of calls each day, meaning waiting times can be long. This is why we ask everyone who has web access to submit their requests online, leaving the phone lines for urgent problems and people who can’t use the internet.

Please include a good amount of detail in your request, as we will not be able to process it without.

What happens when I have requested an appointment?

All requests are reviewed by a clinician, who will decide one the best way to handle it, as well as how urgent the problem is. They will then offer one the following:

  • An appointment with a GP or AHP (see below), either on the same day (for urgent problems), or in the next few days or weeks (for routine problems).
  • Treatment or advice without the need for an appointment, for simple problems
  • Advice to contact services such as the local pharmacy or urgent treatment centre
  • Advice to attend A&E if your problem is an emergency or too serious to be managed by a GP

Why can’t I book an appointment directly online or through Patient Access?

All appointment requests must be reviewed before booking, to make sure they are managed and directed correctly, and that our appointments are given to those who need them most.

We aim to direct patients to the right place or person, first time around, and avoid waste of expert clinician time. We feel the current system for booking appointments is the best way to do this.

Why can I not request an appointment in person at the front desk?

As above, all requests must be reviewed by a clinician. If our front desk staff took appointment requests, they would have to leave the desk to talk to the clinician each time, leading to long queues in the reception area for people who already have appointments or other queries.

Why have I not been booked an appointment on the same day?

The clinician reviewing your request will decide whether it needs to be seen urgently or can safely wait for a number of days or weeks. By booking less urgent problems on future days, we can keep a safe number of on-the-day appointments for people who need urgent assessment.

Why don’t you have more appointments to offer?

There is currently a national shortage of GPs, which has gotten worse due to the recent pandemic. Hall Green Health is a GP surgery and not a walk-in centre or A&E department; when we are full, we are not able to see any more patients. If we did, our clinicians would not have enough time to fully assess and manage each patient, which would not be safe.

Why has my appointment not been booked with a GP?

To provide the best possible service for our patients, the Partners of Hall Green Health have appointed the following Additional Healthcare Professionals (AHPs) to support us:

  • paramedics
  • physician associates
  • advanced nurse practitioners
  • clinical nurse specialists
  • a mental health practitioner
  • a first contact physiotherapist

Each of these clinicians are important members of our team and have valuable skills and knowledge that may equally or better suit your needs than a GP. If needed, they always have access to supervision and advice from the on-call GP.

We use the skills of our extended clinical team appropriately so that our GP appointments are available for problems that cannot be managed by anybody else.

I have been booked a telephone consultation, why can’t I see my GP face to face?

A lot of problems can be assessed over the phone, as specific symptoms often can tell us enough about what’s happening to make a diagnosis or suggest further tests. The person reviewing your appointment request can assess whether your problem might need to be managed in person if so, book a face-to-face appointment straight away.

If you have a telephone consultation and the clinician feels they need to see you in person after hearing your symptoms, they can also book this themselves.

By offering telephone and video consultations, we can give our patients a way to receive care that is easier for them as it doesn’t require the time, effort or cost of coming to us in person. It also avoids having lots of people sitting in the waiting room at once, in turn avoiding the spread of infectious diseases to our vulnerable patients and staff members.

Catchment area

Before filling out a registration form, check you are in our catchment area.

Find out which GPs you can register with on the NHS website.

Catchment Area

Additional Information

  • CQC inspected and rated good
  • Google review rated 4.5 stars
  • Interpreting service
  • We are a teaching and research centre for the University of Birmingham
  • We have a Patient Participation Group (PPG). If you would like to be part of this, please visit our PPG page and fill out the form to register to interest
  • You can stay up to date with all our latest news by following us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @hallgreenhealth