Cancer Support and Wellbeing

This page contains a large number of resources that offer support to those with Cancer.

To help make this page easy to navigate, it has been broken down into the following sections:

General Cancer Support

Cancer Research UK

Cancer Research UK funds research in 39 countries. They have helped develop 8 of the world’s top 10 cancer drugs.Coping with cancer can be difficult. There is help and support available.

Find out about the emotional, physical and practical effects of cancer and how to manage them. 

Look Good Feel Better

This charity aims to help with the physical and emotional wellbeing of people going through cancer treatment. They provide confidence boosting workshops, which gives a chance for people to meet others going through a similar experience and to learn skills to manage some of the side effects of treatment, such as skincare and make up techniques. Workshops take place in hospitals and support centres across the UK. You can find your nearest workshop and read more about the work of the charity on their website.

01372 747500


Maggie’s Centres

Practical, emotional and social support for anyone affected by cancer.

0300 123 1801

West Midlands Cancer Alliance

Their ambition is to work with Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) and NHS providers to improve the delivery of cancer services across the West Midlands to ensure patients get the highest standard of care.

Cancer Support UK

Cancer Support UK provide practical and emotional support to people with cancer, during and after the treatment period.

020 3983 7616


Macmillan Cancer Support

At Macmillan, they know how a cancer diagnosis can affect everything. So they’ll help you find your best way through. From advice about money and work, to someone who’ll listen if you just want to talk, they’re here when you need them most.

Cancer diagnosis? We can help – Macmillan Cancer Support

Relate/Macmillan project is live and can be accessed on 0121 643 1638 or by visiting Relate Birmingham.

0808 808 00 00

Marie Curie

Care and support for anyone affected by a terminal illness.

Marie Curie: patient services

0800 090 2309

Breast Cancer Support

Breast Cancer Now

Breast Cancer Now is a charity dedicated to funding breast cancer research. They also provide breast cancer information and support across the UK. Services are free and include a helpline, website, publications, and practical and emotional support. It was formed by the merger of The Breast Cancer Campaign and Breakthrough Breast Cancer in 2015. 

0808 800 6000

Flat Friends UK

Flat Friends UK is a charity that supports women who choose to go flat. So for those ladies living without reconstruction after a mastectomy. You can get in touch with people who have had similar experiences via their online forum, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or face to face. The website also has information about research, fashion ideas, and personal stories.


CoppaFeel is a UK charity that provides information, advice and creates awareness of breast cancer especially in young people. They also have resources for teachers and educators.

Bowel Cancer Support

The Bladder and Bowel Community

The Bladder and Bowel Community supports people living with bladder and bowel disorders and has a telephone helpline. The service is confidential. They can also give you information about stoma products.

They have a ‘Just Can’t Wait’ card which allows holders access to toilets in shops and when you are out. It’s free to order on the website.

Cervical / Ovarian Cancer Support

Eve Appeal

Information and support for anyone affected by vaginal, ovarian, cervical, and vulval cancers.

Eve Appeal: ask eve information service

0808 802 0019


Information and support for anyone affected by ovarian cancer.

Ovacome: support for LGBTQ+ people

Ovacome: support in other languages

0800 008 7054


Target Ovarian cancer

Information and support for anyone affected by ovarian cancer.

Target Ovarian Cancer: online contact form

020 7923 5475


Prostate / Testicular Cancer Support


Information and support for anyone with or affected by cancers that only affect men (prostate, testicular and penile cancer).

Orchid: Facebook page

0808 802 0010

Prostate Cancer UK

Prostate Cancer UK’s top priority is funding research to stop prostate cancer killing men. We’re investing millions to find better treatments and better tests that can spot fast-growing cancers early, and could be used in a screening programme to save thousands of lives.

0800 074 8383

Other Specific Cancer Support

Butterfly Thyroid Cancer Trust

Information and support for anyone affected by thyroid cancer.

Butterfly Thyroid Cancer Trust: patient support contacts

Melanoma UK

Information and support for anyone affected by melanoma.

Melanoma UK: support

0808 171 2455