BFS Health Visiting Virtual Hub

Birmingham Forward Steps (BFS) provide health and wellbeing services for babies and children up to 5 years old. Their health visiting teams provide health reviews and antenatal advice.
BFS provide a wide array of support for families, and have Children’s Centres across Birmingham which offer a range of services for babies and children under 5 years old. Read more about their services on their website here.
BFS also have a virtual hub which offers a single point of access for contacting Birmingham and having your questions answered. This service is an advice only service, which aims to provide support to parents and carers who have queries relating to the development of their children ages 0-5 years old.
This service has now become available to Hall Green Families as of Tuesday 30th July. To check when the hub is open and the number to call to access it, please go to Birmingham Forward Steps Website using this link. Their website also includes lots of useful resources and contact information for various other services families can access.